Thursday, March 24, 2011

Married on Wednesday....Human on Thursday (Part I)

I want to start off today's blog post with a disclaimer.
- By no means does this post reflect any ill feelings towards the married, engaged or those in a 
committed relationship. This is simply a flow of thoughts that come straight off the top from Annie P. All parties in this post have been contacted and granted permission to be written about. that that is done. Today's love is geared towards my friends that are concerned not only with my well being but my happiness. So love for the day: Grateful for those that push me to the "happy every after."

So readers, I have a friend that I have known for over five years now that we shall call "Mrs. Indécis." Let me explain who this woman is to you all. Mrs. Indécis is a in her mid-twenties, beautiful, intelligent and a real go-getter in the world of education. She and I went to high school together, and even though we went to different undergraduate institutions we managed to stay very close friends.  Upon graduation, we both made the decision to come back to NYC to live and be fabulous. Now, upon moving back in 20XX, we were in very different places; meaning, I was with "man" and she was single and ready to mingle. Pause~ I have come to realize that upon graduating from undergrad a great deal of my friends were single. Now that I am single a great deal of them are in relationships....FUNNY right? Play~

So fast forward to the end of 2010. "Man" and I are quickly crumbling and no one but a select few know about it and then boom Mrs. Indécis calls me with "good news." And here is how that conversation went.

Annie P: Hey girl!

Mrs. Indécis: Oh.My.God [Annie P] you will never guess...(insert excitement) I'M ENGAGED 

Annie P: WHAT?!!? Who the hell were you dating to be engaged?

Mrs. Indécis: Well we haven't caught up in a while. And I know you and ["man"] are going through it so I didn't want to bother. Pause~ Love my friends for this. They know when to pause and let Annie P handle some stuff. Play ~

Annie P: Um yeah I guess but like engaged..I need a rewind

Mrs. Indécis: Well so you know I went to that party that you didn't want to go to at Gravity.

Pause~ I am not one for judgement but I already felt like lunacy was quickly on the way. Play ~

Mrs. Indécis: Bitch don't hate. So anyway go in there with my cousin and this guy offers to buy me a drink. Now you know me, I don't do men buying me drinks ESPECIALLY in Gravity. However, when I was leaving he left to come out and introduce himself. So we talked briefly and I gave him my number and he called and I got his.

Annie P: Ooookkkkk

Mrs. Indécis: So the next day we started talking and it was electric [Annie P]! Like you would never believe how many things we have in common...I was just smitten.

Annie P: That's well and good but fast forward to engagement three months later.

Mrs. Indécis: Well we were going out, talking all the time and then the boom happened.

Annie P: (hastily) He has kids, Herpes, a wife, a girlfriend?

Mrs. Indécis: No fool! He left his apartment. Pause~ To this day I still have no idea why he "left" his apartment. Play ~ So at that point, well I thought and thought and thought and then I figured well God is sending me a sign so he moved in with me.

Annie P: [SILENCE]

Mrs. Indécis: [Annie P] you there?

Annie P: Oh I'm here...continue

Mrs. Indécis: Well he moves in one week later and things are EVEN BETTER! He is cooking and cleaning and we are leaving for work together in the morning. And the sex....and the SEX!
Pause~ Usually I would go IN on some sexual details; however, at this point I was so confused at this speed of her courtship I didn't even ask. So we fast forwarded. Play~

Annie P: So yeah...engagement..

Mrs. Indécis: So on Tuesday he texts me at work to say "meet me by the Brooklyn Bridge" and when I got there he proposed and I said YES! And now we are getting married on the 1st of March and I need your help planning. Pause~ TRINIDAD....CARNIVAL....2011....Need I say more? Play~

Annie P: We can discuss this planning thing later...HOWEVER, I'm not hating love you to pieces...but does he need his papers? Like why the rush?

Mrs. Indécis: I mean we just "know"

Annie P: Know what?

Mrs. Indécis: That we are supposed to be together!

Annie P: (insert uncertainty) Ok I support you.

Needless to say, at the end of the conversation I was unsure; however, at my current age I do NOT give advice. So of course, I just gave my two cents when asked and we moved on with planning her wedding keeping in mind I wasn't going to be there (lol).

So now fast forward to the present/past as in Tuesday (3/15).

Mrs. Indécis calls me to say that her husband's friend has seen a picture of me and decided that we (me and him) must meet. Pause~ Now here is where being single and having married friends gets tricky. They always want to hook you up! I mean I don't mind I think its nice...but how do they know that I really need that man right now? Play~ So I ask all of the necessary questions [age/kids/attitude/career] and accept the meeting. Well guys, I met him....And lets just say NOT MY TYPE! However, what did come from that date was a very very very FRANK convo with Mrs. Indécis. Upon speaking with her, we got into a very interesting conversation about marriage and kids and the whole "happy ending" thing. [NOTE: The deets on that date and conversation with Mrs. Indécis will be in Part II of this post].

In conclusion, my love for today stems to one solid thought. You are only as awesome as the company you keep. And to be honest, I keep some damn good company!

Until Part II,
Annie P and the PEEPS!