Monday, March 21, 2011

Blame It On The Rain

My apologies readers for the non-posting this weekend. I was definitely in a state of rest and relaxation being that I had zero down time between returning from my vacation and working. One thing that I can say is that when you take a weekend to yourself, there are things you learn to appreciate that you did not before. Therefore the love for today is something borrowed from a good good friend of mine: Treasured Moments!

So for those who do not know, I am part of a wonderful team of women entreprenuers that takes names and kicks butt on a regular day-to-day but thats a post for another day. Anyway, one of those ladies has her own business called Olivia's Treasures [ --- extremely worthwhile please check it out]. Anyway, if you know Annie P you usually know that I can easily become a needle in a haystack when it comes to the weekend. Between the errands, trying to hang out, taking "man" to work, getting to my mom's house, etc. I can become the hardest person to land down. So this weekend, I took it upon myself to really just chill and take a step back.

Now even though I was hanging loose...I did manage to get some things done.

Treasured Moment #1
But the best thing about this weekend was the fact that I got to COOK! Im not a big cooker...well scratch that...I am a cooker but only leisurely when its something I know I need to get done. However, this weekend the cooking bug bit me and I definitely took advantage. So Saturday morning, got up made a FABOOSH brunch and then for dinner re-created a wonderful fish fry all in my small Brooklyn kitchen.

Treasured Moment #2
Hanging out with mom! Now Mrs. Payne is a character full of foolie wag and nonsense; however, she is the black hole of time! My mother is one of those moms, who will call and say "Im going to the corner just follow me" and that will turn into a six hour ordeal of going everywhere to buy everything and pack it all away. Now usually I get frustrated because like every working professional, your weekend is time to catch up on all thsoe things you can not do during the week. But this time with mom was cool. We hung out, laughed, joked and then I got $20 out of it. So hmm...not a bad trade off in the end.

Treasured Moment #3
Hanging out at home with my good old cable box. Now granted, TV lacks good programming now a days; however, there is something to be said when you are laying in bed and just channel surfing. Nothing at all matters...just you, your bed, the remote and the TV. Now that was the most sublime 4 hours of my life.

So heres the picture of the day...

Watching TV in Bed Royalty Free Stock Photo

Not me persay...but that was my total motivation for the weekend.

The Relaxed Annie P

1 comment:

  1. cute blog! i felt the same way this weekend! although I was sick I was totally bumming it and doing what I wanted to do solely! Sunday I indulged myself with endless hours of television and it felt GREAT!
