Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Technology Friend or Foe

So after such a serious post earlier, I wanted to grace you all with a question that will reveal a love later. So for instance, my "suitor" has text messaged me for the day to make chit chat. What's interesting about this dating and "alter ego" thing is that my suitor has decided to ask EVERY SINGLE TIME if I will write about him. Now even though this should be annoying, surprisingly it is not because I find it intriguing that he wants other people to know about him BUT states he can not date a woman with "two lives." But I digress..

Anyway, this post is focused on an interesting conversation I had with one of my best best best male friends this afternoon who we shall call "Rich." During my walk to Au Bon Pain for lunch, "Rich" sent me a text that said "Check my Facebook post now." So of course I went and it was a posting professing his love for his girlfriend. Pause~ I have been fortunate to have a group of friends for over ten years. In this group, we have grown up together. And by "we," I mean myself and six now men. However, what makes our friendships so genuine is that there is no sexual tension and no one is interested in anyone else. So very refreshing! Play~ So post reading this post, there were a series of events that occurred. 1) I commented (of course!) 2) sent him a text back stating I needed deets asap and 3) shot a text to "man" to make sure that he knew our friend was in peril.

Well upon hearing the story, the post was meant to respond to some bottom feeders who have been harassing him and his girlfriend. And when speaking to "Rich," it made me reflect on my current situation with "man." Pause~ Before I tell the remainder of this story, I want everyone to know that Annie P DOES NOT GIVE ADVICE! The reason being, 1) I am not in the relationship with both parties, 2) if my advice goes wrong who is to blame...me and 3) I am solutions based! So tell me you want to get to point A or B and I can help brainstorm to get there Play~ And I had to say to "Rich," listen a lesson I have taken from my long long courtship with "man" is that no one will ever want to see two successful people be happy. In general, when individuals (man or woman) see two people who are grinding, saving and making moves there is usually a part of them that burns because its not them. Usually, 97% of the silent haters will ignore and move on. BUT there is the dastardly 3% that will make it their lot in life to make your life difficult!

So now we come to meat of the matter, with the digital age we live in stalking has been taken to a new high! Now we have people who can stalk via free text apps, fake Gmail email accounts, fake Facebook and Twitter profiles, Google phones and whatever else. And the question I have is, has technology become a friend or foe? I know in my personal situation with "man" technology is def a foe! Pause AGAIN~ For those who know Annie P...you know I do NOT respond to bullies; however, at this point I am taking a page from my good friend, Fatal Angel, and "bowing out gracefully." I have no place in this fight...too much to lose. Play~ I hate technology so much that even hearing my phone vibrate makes me cringe! Not because I am afraid of what is coming through BUT because I know what is coming and who it is coming from is meant to ruin/taint/hurt me.  Therefore, in speaking with "Rich" it became apparent that in this stage of life...those who attain true happiness have to keep it between the few the trust and to themselves.

So on to the love: Happiness is deserved but should not be shared to many! Your happiness is for who?..YOU that's right! Those who love you will see it, make light and move on with you.

Until next time,


  1. Love the post! I will be back later on tonight to comment because I have alottttttttttt to say on this matter! lol.

  2. I'm dying to know what your extended thoughts are on this!
