Monday, March 28, 2011

Dry Dry Dry

So I wanted to speak about Mr. Crix some more today because he said something very interesting. After this morning's post, I managed to get a text from Crix that completely took me by surprise. The text stated,

"If you are going to ignore me at least have the decency to let me know that you do not like me."

Now time for a little back story. So as you read earlier, I definitely had a weekend that was high in action and low in sleep. Friday night, Crix text messages me to "hang out by his house." Pause~ There is one thing I despise in dating. DO NOT INVITE ME TO YOUR HOUSE TO HANGOUT! This is not undergrad and we have not known each other long enough to even THINK about taking that step. I just can not and will not go to someones house for our 2nd (count 'em) 2nd date. Play~ So upon seeing this I answered and politely stated I was in a meeting and had plans after so that was not going to happen. the reality that I live in, if someone is polite you usually are polite back. Well apparently this dry dry ass man does not feel the same. So while in the party, where I was getting white girl wasted, Crix managed to message me every which way except via smoke signal.

Well readers, I hate molestation via technology. Like I get it...I'm awesome! I know this and he knows this; BUT the absence of that sensor that says "hey man stop texting so much...she may not be answering because shes doing something"  really taints my desire to date you. So needless to say, he got scarce responses throughout the remainder of the weekend. Pause~ I hate being a matter of fact, my only response ever has been to be confrontational about it. Which makes me love the fact that my sister calls me "gargoyle" because I can get really ugly really quickly. Play~

So fast forward to today and umm 1:30PM. I leave my office to go grab some lunch quickly before my 2PM meeting and what happens..CALL FROM CRIX! So I pick up and this is how it goes.

Crix: So you weren't going to answer. Pause~ Whatever happened to Hello/Good Afternoon. FUCK YOU I DESERVE A SALUTATION! Play~

Annie P: Hello to you too. And no I was not going to answer. I don't respond to bullying.

Crix: No one was trying to bully you [Annie P]. I just need to know what the status is. Pause AGAIN~ Status? What status? One promises...WTF? Play~

Annie P: I do not know what "status" you speak of. As a matter of fact my man, I don't even know if this is going to work because I don't think we mesh.

Crix: I know we do. And to let you know I do like you and your friend told me you would act this way.

Annie P: Excuse me?

Crix: [Mrs. Indécis]! She told me you would refuse so I decided that I'm not letting go that easy.

Annie P: Oh she did..did she! Well let me stop the myths before they continue. I am not "refusing" you because I don't recognize potential. Trust you have a great deal of potential; HOWEVER hommie you are dry like a fucking bag of Crix. You have zero conversation and zero personality. In other words, I am pink and you are grey. I am sunshine and you are overcast. That is why I'm not giving you any play. And as for your partner in crime [Mrs. Indécis] the two of you can plot on some other person. So please just do us a favor and lose this number.

Crix: What the hell is a Crix?! Two, I didn't mean to offend you and I def know that someones character feeds off their company. So my "dryness" is a reflection of you. Pause~ Love when men do this. Its not me its you. Its not my fault its your fault. PUNK just recognize your short comings! Play~

Annie P: Well I sure am glad we figured that out. I'm the drag...yes! You are absolutely right. Bye now. Thanks!

~ End Scene ~

So now, he's gone...which in all honesty I knew he would be. BUT now to deal with this girl, Mrs. Indécis. HOW DARE SHE?!? Better yet, who the hell does she think she is to tell a guy that. Pause~ There is one rule that I hate that most women don't follow. When hooking your friend up, you are doing JUST that one action. So do not think that you should be the intermediary! You are not dating the person. You do not know that man outside of your friendship. So do NOT make assumptions. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE WRONG! Play~ At this junction, I do not know how to deal with her. Like do I let her know that she is a dummy for even entertaining this chump? Or do I just learn, be angry and let bygones be bygones? Whatever!

Love for the day: Standing my your morals! If you know that someone you are dating/speaking to/seeing is a chump they are a chump. Case closed!
So long CRIX...and to the next woman good luck getting that dry mouth to be fun!

Back to juggling,
Annie P

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