Saturday, April 16, 2011


I know its odd for me to blog on a Saturday but here I am blogging.

Yesterday, I had a long but eventful day. Finally tracked down my check from my last employer, completed projects at work, saw a good new friend, read my friend's thesis paper and then ended the day with my cousin for her birthday.

Anyway in the midst of all of that, this wave of uneasiness has started to settle in. Its kind of like a wave that came from no where and has managed to consume me. Its one of those feelings where you want to improve on SOMETHING...but you just don't know what. Pause~ I do a great deal on a day to day. However, its like my homeostasis is just off. Play~ So while reading a book called "Expect to Win" by Carla Harris, I reached a portion that speaks to mentoring. Pause~ For those of you that do not know who Carla Harris is, please google her and get all the info. She is the truth! I consider her the Oprah of Wall Street. Play~ And she so eloquently states the following:

"...Finding a mentor on any level begins with understanding what you need and identifying the person you respect the most. Once you find the two, the match can be made."

So while on the train, I decided to take a moment to write down the things I felt uneasy about. And when it came down to it there were three areas I need "help" with. Pause~ For the sake of keeping somethings to myself, I'm not going to reveal. As I improve maybe I can post know. Play~ So here I am...three goals and now to find a mentor.

For those of you who know me, I can be very type A. I will get to the root! Research, interview and find measurable results. However, on this note I am completely in the dark. I mean, I have professional mentors and people I look up to. However, in looking for a mentor I have no idea where to begin.

So at this point I'm turning the questions over to the blog world. How does one find a mentor? What are the first steps?

Lost in the jungle,
Annie P

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