Thursday, April 14, 2011

Younger Men?

Ok blog world, so today I have a serious question that needs an answer. But before I give you the question lets get you some background.

So a week ago, I was at a bookstore in Manhattan and happened to literally run into a man who was standing there. So I apologized and he smiles and says "its ok beautiful." Pause~ Its something about the word 'beautiful' that really brightens my day. I don't know why but its a word that I don't hear often. Play~ Post that statement, I smiled and said thank you and moved on. Like any Annie P situation the story doesn't end there, he comes up to me and asks me for my number and we we begin to speak on the phone/text and conversation is going very well. Like we have a great deal in common (ie. career goals, relationships, children, etc.). Pause~ He is a cutie! 6'4", thick, just NICE! Play~

So two weeks pass and we are getting to know one another and some how the topic of age came up. Pause~ I know I know...these are questions that come in the beginning. Well, I have been juggling so much lately that I thought that I had this conversation but clearly I didn't. Play~ So imagine my surprise when he tells me is THREE YEARS MY JUNIOR! Um yeah...[insert deafening silence]. Hmm...I mean I cant be an age-ist. In fact, I have dealt with men in my past and present that have been way older than me. So I guess I cant be ridiculous and cut this man off for the simple fact of age. Pause~ He is not a teenager or anything like that. But I have never dated someone younger than me. And there is something to say that I had to ask to get the information. He is a very mature individual for his experience. Play~ So now here is the question family...

Is dating someone younger than you taboo? And if it is not, how do you look past it? What do you do to make sure it does not cripple your relationship?

I know more than one question, but I'm kind of struggling. There is a fine line I feel. I have been polling some female friends of mine. And namely all have been saying "take the're not making a baby just talking." But I'm just....ugh....worried. I cant hurt someone that is younger than me. I feel like I will be ruining him lol. Pause~ Its something about messing with a younger man that is making me more worried for his self esteem. Stupid I know, but when I think of me at that age..I def didn't think the way that I think now. Things are waaaay different. Play~ So now we have a date tomorrow (as in Friday) and I'm def going and will be bringing my authentic self. But...ugh...woe is me....

Updates coming soon!
Annie P


  1. yes girl, i agree its just something about the word beautiful that makes me smile too and feel all good on the inside :-) so i feel you on that!

    in terms of dating someone younger, i think you should! Based on your comments, he seems mature & your just dating, so there's no harm in that. You're both of age so go for it & no you won't "ruin" him lol, if anything it will be a learning process for him. Obviously, he was confident enough to approach you and has intrigued you thus far with conversation, so don't worry about him, he'll be aight lol

    I know at first it's hard to look past age & some people will give you the look like "girl what are you doing" but hey you never know, it could lead to great things. Just focus on the great conversation and realize his age doesn't reflect his maturity or knowledge b/c there are some older immature/unintelligent guys as well :-/


    Just Kidding. =)

    Although it is a known fact that males mature slower than females, younging may be the exception. Like Nikki said, age may not reflect maturity. You dont have anything to lose bygoing out, so why not? Take a shot.
