Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Funny Happenings on the Way to Recovery!

So readers, yesterday I was in a funk! Like having a serious down in the dumps day! Pause~ Thanks to the wonderful words and sentiments from you guys! Def made the day better. Play~ I don't know why and I don't really know where it came from but it was there. Then all of a sudden, my day took a turn for the better. So love for today: Intervention comes from everywhere!

Well, while feeling down in the dumps, I was on the way to the radio. Pause~ I don't know how many times I have to tell you guys to listen in [] 6PM-9PM on Tuesdays. Play~ While on the way, the first amazing thing that happened was that the MTA gods smiled down on me and I actually had a smooth ride. Pause~ For the non-New Yorkers, this is a big deal! Trains have a funny way of stopping OR moving slow as ass. Then I usually have to catch a bus. UGH! And that bus drives me crazy! Play~ So when I arrived at the radio, I spoke to my sister, Liz Taylor, and we laughed and laughed. Radio with Fatal Angel as usual, was great. We had a good time. Talked a bunch of mess and I even got a ride all the way back to the gaza for the free! Pause~ Yes I live in what my comrade, LRK, calls the Gaza! Play~

So when I got home, got my money from "man" which was not surprising. Pause~ "man" may be a terrible person BUT he is always on time when it comes to money. So for this I tip my hat to him. Play~ And then I went to bed. Pretty easy night in general. Now.....this morning I get up, get on the train and I see Fine Man. Pause~ Haven't given you guys much updates on him because there have been NONE! Ha! Recently, we have been missing one another (both in the morning and by phone). Play~ So as per usual, I am looking rather smashing and he comes over to me while I'm listening to my morning groove. Well I would give you guys just a story but I know how much you love open convo. So here is how it went.

FM: Hi [Annie P] how are you stranger?

AP: Morning! I'm no stranger to you sir.

FM: Well its been a while since I've seen you on the train or anywhere else for that matter. Pause~ Hit    
        below the belt number one. Sarcasm at its best. Please don't think that was a cute remark. 

AP: Well I've been busy. You, life, rock 'n roll.

FM: For a minute, I thought you threw me away for someone else. Or you were avoiding me.

AP: I don't have that kind of mental capacity to blatantly avoid someone now a days. But it is good
       seeing you. Pause~ I'm a believer in killing them with kindness. Play~

FM: Its great see you! You look amazing. Loving the green. When will I be able to take you out on the

AP: Will you be on your phone again? Pause~ Last date was terrible! He was on the phone
       the ENTIRE TIME! Play~

FM: You're never going to let me live this down. Well I definitely want to take you on a proper date.

AP: Ok well its a can do. I'm out of town this weekend and next. But I mean we can make it happen.
       Pause~ My life does not revolve around any man so I had to let him know. Play~

FM: Great. Well beautiful, I hope that we can speak about more this time besides work and the course of

AP: We shall see.

- End Scene -

Now the reason why this was funny is because I had completely written this man off. Like three bad dates is enough for me. However, in having a good evening, I decided to forgive and let go. And sure enough...this man shows up out of no where and tests my exact statement to myself!

THEN......I get to my desk and sure enough there are voicemail emails on my computer from the one and only CRIX! Who the hell told that man to call me!?!?! Pause~ God is too much! Like that Fella there...He does really know how to test. Play~ So now here I am....having to decide to call back and just let go OR leave it be! HA! Interesting things do happen everyday!

Later love bugs!
Annie P

1 comment:

  1. I think u should give fine man ONE more chance! if he flops...set his ass on fire.. remember the story i told u how mr popped down the first time u know what? lol. and now look at us. lol

    as for Crix.. he to stale for u. leave him be! he gonna bring u DOWN! lol. and it seems that he irritates u.
