Thursday, April 21, 2011

Go Get You Some Business

So guys I have a problem...well not really a problem but an interesting perdicament. There is a lot to tell and not enough time so please bare with me on this.
  • Three weeks ago my older good friend's son calls me and tells me that he got his girlfriend pregnant and he needed 1) advice and 2) money. Pause~ Ok I know...don't even begin to shake your head at me. I don't know when it happened but I became his like cool older friend. To the point where he started calling me "Auntie" Play~
  • So then I tell him I can send him the money but I wont because I am not going to give him the money and let him think that everything can be solved by making a phone call. Pause~ I'm no parent, but as a woman I have been in that zone. And to be real I don't think he called for "advice" he was calling for me to MAKE the decision. And I will NOT do that. He needs to call his mother for that. Play~
  • Now fast forward to Monday, another friend we shall call "Traitor" has given him the money for said procedure. HMMM....Pause~ Background on "Traitor"..same age as me. Very responsible but LOVES to be in the middle of something. So being in the middle of this is perfect. Play~ So when I find this out, I called her and asked her what the hell she was doing. She is not that boys mother. And she says to me "Would you rather he mess up his life with a baby?" Pause~ NO I WOULDN'T YOU DUMB ASS! Play~ So I instantly told her that when our friend finds out that you knew and you gave him the money shes gonna flip!
  • Ok so we arrive to Wednesday morning, said boy calls me to tell me that "Traitor" called him and they ended in a big argument. Pause~ Why are you arguing with a teenager? STOP Play~ Of course I asked why and he told me because his girlfriend had not gotten the procedure done as yet. So I asked why hadn't she gone to get it done. And he said because she said "she wants to think about it. she knows how my 'family' feels." Pause~ This is exactly the reason I didn't want to be involved. Because I know what this girl is thinking. He wants the baby and his family doesn't. And now the little girl is prob attached to the damn fetus. So she wants to "think" about keeping a baby. Play~
  • So now "Traitor" calls me this morning at like 5AM because our friend has found out. Pause~ LMFAO!!!!!!! Y'all already know what happened. Play~ Basically, neither party was happy about what was going on. And "Traitor" called me to tell me that our friend said she was going to be outside her job to give her something to be angry about.
So now check this out. Both friends are calling ME to talk to the other one about the "right" thing to do. Now really and truly, Annie P is staying OUT OF THIS! But a part of me feels guilty because I don't want anyone hurt or arrested. But....I just don't know...

However, I am interested in getting some opinions about this.

Thursday's version of Annie P


  1. As I was on my hoodlum movement this morning.. in the words of Dr. Dre "pack a vest for your jimmy in the city of sex." Two points for whomever knows where the line is from. Always strap up because these days, you can't afford a slip up.

    Anyhow, applause to you for avoiding that crock of hot mess altogether. I cant say that I would have given him the money either because that is a definite conflict of interest. I feel like I might have spoken to the mother in confidence about the situation but not to rip into her kid either. It is touchy and cant fault the boy too much because it is life and shyt happens. *shrug*

    Traitor however... she brave. Real brave. Dont people question consequences before making moves?

    Dont feel guilty. You didnt get anyone pregnant. You didnt give anyone money. You didnt go behind someones back and undermine their broughtupsie (up bringing for non- west indians). You may feel bad that you told the mother nothing but in the end, it is not your place to do so. I wouldn't beat myself up about it. Besides, if the mother is serious... It seems as though traitor is going to get enough beatings for the two of you...

  2. Well, I definitely think you should stay out of it.Now here is the truth: Your fiend should worry about what her son is getting into and what he is going to do instead of getting @ the Traitor. The boy needed to ask you to help him talk to his Mom because what he did was irresponsible, and the Traitor should take this as a lesson learned... stay out of people business especially when it has to do with some ones child...

  3. Girl pretend to be out of town until this whole SHIT blows over! lol.

