Monday, April 18, 2011

What Has Come To Life....

So readers there is much to discuss this lovely Monday morning. So just to keep things streamlined, I will be touching on three major events from the weekend. Pause~ I was going to do more than one post but due to the workload this is it. So please try and keep up. Play~

I. Date with the Young Man
II. Party with the Angels
III. Women Enhancing Men

As per usual, I will round out this post with my love for the day.

I. Date w/ the Young Man aka YM
So on Friday, as promised I went on the date with YM. As stated in previous posts, I'm lazy and let the man plan the first date and just show up. So he picked a lovely place called Night of the Cookers in downtown Brooklyn. So of course I was CAH-YUTE! I def was rocking the after work chic! Pause~ I def put a great deal of effort into that outfit. As far as having my friend coming over and helping me pick it out. I don't know why I was so "nervous" or cautious but I just was and wanted to be right in all areas. Play~ So we meet (I'm late as usual), and we go inside. The ambiance was lovely and the company was stellar. We spoke about sports, life, work and all that. All together there was nothing negative that I can say about the date. I was able to learn a little more about him and plan on seeing him again in the near future. HOWEVER, y'all know I'm not going to be silly and think too much of this good beginning. Men always have a way of "surprising" me. So we shall see how the next few weeks turn out.

II. Party w/ the Angels
Now......[sigh] on Saturday night I went to a party called Poor Man Jam with my comrades. As usual, when going out with these ladies there are two things I can always count on alcohol and a great time. Pause~ I know drinking hiatus...well that got tossed out the window. Life is too short just cant live my life in excess. Play~ So we meet up get to the club. All is well and good UNTIL we are over by a group of women that we shall call "Carnival Tacky." Pause~ I know I usually give plenty back story on people; however, due to my short/small interactions with these ladies I can not give you much. However, you will get the gist of this when I'm finished. Play~

So in the party now, and we are drinking and having a good time. Pause~ I'm going to interject here and let you know that ALL of the women I hang with are GORGEOUS! Now in saying that, those who are cute know that this is a gift and a curse. Play~ So while dancing etc, my friend Fatal Angel is dancing with a man and sure enough one of "Carnival Tacky" comes over "drunk" and snuffs her. Pause~ There is one thing I hate about scenes like this. 1) Being drunk is not a fucking excuse. 2) As a woman why are you snuffing me over some man? 3) YOU LOOK MANNISH! Play~ Now when this happened, Annie P was not close but there were two other ladies there and of course one of "Carnival Tacky's" crew comes and starts to save the day.

In the end, I have come to the conclusion that alcohol and tacky old ladies don't mix. Because you talk, smile, laugh, joke, and "support" when really you were jealous the whole time. Now in this case, I can say that jealousy wasn't pointed at me. BUT I am very offended. So to all those authentic people out there...THANK YOU! For the fakers, just stay in your lane. This party isn't for you.

III. Women Enhancing Men
As a nice round out of my weekend, I held a small sip and chat for one of my friends birthdays. Pause~ Annie P LOVES to host! Play~ Anyway, its very few times that my high school friends and I get to get together and just chill out. So being that a birthday passed, we decided this would be a great opportunity to see one another. Like stated in a previous post, my friends from high school consists of six men and myself. So of course, they brought their girlfriends and we rounded out with a few of my friends. Anyway, while sitting there the topic of "can/do women enhance men" came up. Pause~ The weird thing about having this conversation was that "man" was there. And as much as I am ok with us not being together. Knowing that I invested sooooo much time into that person makes me so pissed with myself. But whatever. Cant cry over spilled milk. Play~  So we were speaking and a clear division started amongst the genders. Of course as a woman, I gave the perspective that the girlfriends in the room did not want to give.


Now don't get me wrong. I do believe that men have the ability to give a woman stability, love and sound judgement. But lets be real. When it comes to being in a relationship, women immediately assume the role of lead but take the submissive approach. Pause~ By no means am I saying that women should/are submissive. But I know from the experience with my own relationship, "man" may have been the head but I was definitely the neck! Hence, I turned the head any which way I could when I could. Play~ Of course, there was immediate uproar with that controversial statement. So I pose this question to those of you out there.

- Do women enhance men in the relationship?
- Do men recognize that their woman is making a sound investment into their relationship?
- Should women get reparations once a man does something stupid?

Anyway, I know that I was everywhere and no where today but like I said I had a lot to say today. Love for the day: Discussion! Never gets old!

Love yall,
Annie P

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