Thursday, March 31, 2011

So I Went on Safari

So as promised, I went on a date with Ghana Revisited and it was interesting event. Today's love may be a repeat but I will say it. Love: Having an open heart.

It has become apparent that being on my dating quest has its benefits. I'm not going to take the time to list because for those reading, I know that you know the ups and downs of dating. Anyway, last night I managed to squeeze in a date with GR. Now if you remember from my previous post "Borrowed Time" he kind of overstepped his boundary. Pause~ After thinking about that conversation I had with GR I decided that maybe I was a little too "harsh." So I decided to forgive and try to forget. Play~ Now usually readers, I block off a substantial amount of time for any date for the obvious reasons. However, yesterday was extremely hectic. So unfortunately, GR had a window of about one hour.

So anyway, we meet at this quaint little dessert place in Little Italy. Pause~ Creativity is awesome! Wins major points in my book. And don't be fooled, dessert is not "creative" but having the ability to take me to a place I do NOT know is a win. Play~ So we are seated and he opens the menu and of course the waiter asks if we know what we want to drink. Pause~ I have a rule about first dates and drinking. I try not to. However, when in Rome... Play~ So like any man, he orders for the both of us. So immediately, I began to set up my face because I absolutely loath when someone ruins my experience; but then...BUT THEN...he ordered in ITALIAN! WHOA! So at that moment I sat back and let the ordering commence.

Well dessert and wine arrives and we begin to talk. I inquire about where he learned Italian and he tells me. He asks me about work and my plans for the rest of the week which of course is work and the myriad of other things I do. And then he asks the question I HATE...which leads to the following back and forth.

GR: I have a question. I usually don't ask but I compelled to ask you because I'm starting to like you. Pause~ I never believe when a man says this to me. You ALWAYS ask you just dont want me to think that you are prying. Play~

Annie P: Ask away..

GR: Are you speaking to any other guys right now?

Annie P: Before I answer, Pause~ You know I was thinking of the right thing to do right. LOL Play~ can I ask why you are asking?

GR: Well I'm at a stage where I want to be exclusive with someone. And I try not to date in vein. As of right now, I am speaking to one other woman. She and I are going "ok" but I know that its on the road to dissipating.

Annie P: Well hmm....I am speaking to other men. I never kept that from you. As far as "exclusivity" hmm...I will need to define this according to the way I think. Pause~ I made a solemn promise to myself to never let myself get caught up in a situation with a man where he can say "You never told me that." So please excuse the honesty...if it offends you then sorry. Play~ Exclusivity to me means that you have first dibs to my "free" time. Meaning you are my steady. I don't want a relationship. That's too heavy for me right now being that my situation is what it is. However, I am open to having someone that I can call on for some companionship.

GR: Companionship? What does that mean in terms of getting to the next step? Pause~ When did the tables turn? "Next steps"? HUH? Play~

Annie P: There are no steps/tips I can give you to tell you how to get to the next step with me. As a matter of fact you don't even know me that well to make such a blanket statement.

GR: I'm a man who knows what he wants.

Of course it didn't end there, but I felt like I was in a boxing match. Whatever...the date ends, he pays and I leave the tip and we walk out.  Here is where the safari begins...

We leave to head to the train and he sees someone he knows. So of course, I drift to the side and let them catch up and get on my phone. While waiting on GR, guess who walks by...ARE YOU READY...SUITOR!

So suitor walks right up on me and pretends to not see GR and come in for the kill (aka hug/kiss combo). Pause~ Any person who is not an OG would have felt caught. However, you cant be caught if there is nothing to catch. This is where confidence and utter coolness becomes not only a tool but a life-saver. Play~ So I pull away and say "Hey [suitor]" and make note that I am with someone. Well he answers and gives me a side-eye as if to let me know that he is not happy. And I immediately tug on GR and say "call you later...we can talk in detail." Now what makes this trifecta kind of a hassle is that I had to explain to GR who suitor was. Not because he thinks I'm dating him, but because suitor's reactions were so compelling that it made him wonder.

Needless to say, after explaining who suitor was GR asked me "to pause on speaking to him." CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS BOLD-FACED MAN?!!? Like sir,! You are not allowed FOUR DAYS IN to make such a demand. At that point of no return, I was at the train station and we definitely were at the end of our first date.

In the end, my love/lesson from this date is that having an open heart can definitely make things different in dating. However, Pause~ You guys know I'm full of caveats. LOL Play~ any man that tries to stop this jam is losing all day everyday!

Jamming as always...
Annie P

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Confessions From A Brooklyn Girl

First off, GOOD MORNING blog world! I woke up this morning truly excited to be up and about today. I dont know exactly what bit me in the tooshie this AM but hey Im not going to refuse it. So today, my love is all about being able to Confess with no judgement!

Really and truly this post is about this man that I see everyday on the train. This man is Grade A fine! Like he is tall, dark, handsome and just....(covers eyes) Pause~ Usually I see a fine man in transit and I will look and then look away. BUT... Play~ So anyway, we ride a letter train every morning from Brooklyn to Manhattan. And I think he gets on the train before me. So as any straphanger I get on the train at the same location everyday in order to be in the perfect position to exit and be up the stairs to my office. Pause~ Im a true New Yorker. I time the train, time the walk from the door to my office and mentally calculate who will be getting up first in order to get that seat. Play~ Well every morning he manages to be in the same car and same area as me. Coincidence...of course this is New York!

(Just to give you an idea)

Now one thing to know about me is that I am an avid soca listener. And in my opinion there is no better way to start the day than listening to a good soca tune. Well like any West Indian I always dance while listening. Pause~ The word "shame" does not exist in my world. I exude confidence always even in my most vulnerable moment. So when im chippin' on the train I really dont care. It usually makes people (both men & women) tap me to ask me what Im listening to. Play~ So while dancing, I have been noticing that he has been moving closer and closer to me. And yesterday (as in Tasty Tuesdays [6PM-9PM] on -- excuse my plug)  he was standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME! Are you guys listening/reading....RIGHT NEXT TO ME! I literally had to post a facebook status. Pause~ Due to recent events my facebook has been sort of inactive. However, Im back! I miss my facebook community. They are the best polling station ever. Play~

Well this morning, as per usual he was on the train and stood right next to me. So now Im convinced there are two possible reasons for this recent migration:

1) He re-calculated his traveling position and has assigned himself to a new door (blah)
2) Im so wonderful and cute that he is building up the courage to speak to me

So you know im of course going with.....reason number TWO!

THEN when we get off the train we are walking side by side (sigh)...and he walks to one building over. OMG....can it be...he works for...nooooooooo.....I think he does guys. Pause~ If there is one thing you need to know about me, is that I love a good mystery. And this man is Grade A "Where is Carmen San Diego" good! Play~ So you know I will not..can not stalk him but now I need to know his name. So I think tomorrow I am going to officially say hello!

Reporting live from the field,
Annie P.

Back to you Shirley in the studios!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Borrowed Time...

Love: Hmm...[Silence]

One thing I realized that I didn't do yesterday was let you in on the details on "Ghana Revisited." I was going to save it for the date; however, I had an interesting interaction with him so why not.  GR is a little bit older than me (as in older than I would normally feel comfortable with), educated, in the medical technician field with one child. He was born and raised in Ghana and is very dedicated to his culture. Pause~ This is why I love people who appreciate other cultures. Because as you recall we met outside of a soca party. I'm not one to swoon but an open mind....(Sigh) Play~ Now...with all his African sexy he def has some archaic principles of marriage and life. Which is why on our first conversation I felt like I was speaking to Idi Amin! I was like oh no sir...But alas he kept talking and let me know that's the what he experienced not who he is. So I digress..

Last Night
Last night while working late on my deal at work, GR called. As stated before this man loves to talk. So when he called I was sincerely happy for the break. Anyway, he begins to talk and talk and talk and then he says "Are you listening?" Pause~ When I'm working or just busy, I am listening. However, you know I am working and I know I'm if I'm not answering/participating I am listening intently to offer some semblance of participation later. Play~ So I answer and let him know "Of course I'm listening." Now I'm all for mindless talk sometimes. I usually bask in the revelry of talking a lot about absolutely nothing. But....hmmm all I really wanted from GR was some light conversation. Not the typical we just met conversation about life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

So in his haste to tell me that he wants a girlfriend and more kids I immediately stopped him and told him "Dude you are on borrowed time. Don't invest too much time in me because that's not where I am." Pause~ I really do want romance and all that; however, after "man" and that whole tirade I just do NOT have the energy to invest or be invested in. Play~ Well after saying that, GR was highly offended. Like HIGHLY! And really, I couldn't understand. What had I done wrong? Was it something I said? (lol). Well after that, he told me the following [Sidebar: I wrote it down for just this occasion].

"You women have no idea what it means to be committed to anything! Of all you want is work and success then buy a vibrator and don't pay men any mind."


So after taking a pause to write that statement in my Moleskin aka My Red Poppycock Pause~ don't ask Play~ I politely said the following:

"Women are very happy to be committed. We are committed to a myriad of things like our careers, family, friends, hobbies, relationships and personal upkeep. If it bothers you that women don't revolve around you or appreciate 'your good thing' then that's something for you to access within yourself. For instance, a man told me I was fat. Simple as that. And after taking it in I did notice I could stand to lose a couple pounds so I did. As for that vibrator comment...don't wish such a thing on yourself. Double A batteries and a rabbit will beat you everyday and twice on Sundays."

Now...if you have been reading my blog (especially my response to Crix yesterday) you will know that polite is not my forte. However, I had to conduct myself this way because I wanted him to know that I am not the stereotypical West Indian black woman that will want to cuss up your ass at a drop of a hat. In the end he did apologize in some way or the other but it did lead me to ask the following question.

- Why do black women always have to fall in some "box" (angry or submissive)?

Anyway readers, I do not know how to appreciate GR yet. And I am still planning to go on the date. So we shall see.

Until next time,
Annie P

Monday, March 28, 2011

Dry Dry Dry

So I wanted to speak about Mr. Crix some more today because he said something very interesting. After this morning's post, I managed to get a text from Crix that completely took me by surprise. The text stated,

"If you are going to ignore me at least have the decency to let me know that you do not like me."

Now time for a little back story. So as you read earlier, I definitely had a weekend that was high in action and low in sleep. Friday night, Crix text messages me to "hang out by his house." Pause~ There is one thing I despise in dating. DO NOT INVITE ME TO YOUR HOUSE TO HANGOUT! This is not undergrad and we have not known each other long enough to even THINK about taking that step. I just can not and will not go to someones house for our 2nd (count 'em) 2nd date. Play~ So upon seeing this I answered and politely stated I was in a meeting and had plans after so that was not going to happen. the reality that I live in, if someone is polite you usually are polite back. Well apparently this dry dry ass man does not feel the same. So while in the party, where I was getting white girl wasted, Crix managed to message me every which way except via smoke signal.

Well readers, I hate molestation via technology. Like I get it...I'm awesome! I know this and he knows this; BUT the absence of that sensor that says "hey man stop texting so much...she may not be answering because shes doing something"  really taints my desire to date you. So needless to say, he got scarce responses throughout the remainder of the weekend. Pause~ I hate being a matter of fact, my only response ever has been to be confrontational about it. Which makes me love the fact that my sister calls me "gargoyle" because I can get really ugly really quickly. Play~

So fast forward to today and umm 1:30PM. I leave my office to go grab some lunch quickly before my 2PM meeting and what happens..CALL FROM CRIX! So I pick up and this is how it goes.

Crix: So you weren't going to answer. Pause~ Whatever happened to Hello/Good Afternoon. FUCK YOU I DESERVE A SALUTATION! Play~

Annie P: Hello to you too. And no I was not going to answer. I don't respond to bullying.

Crix: No one was trying to bully you [Annie P]. I just need to know what the status is. Pause AGAIN~ Status? What status? One promises...WTF? Play~

Annie P: I do not know what "status" you speak of. As a matter of fact my man, I don't even know if this is going to work because I don't think we mesh.

Crix: I know we do. And to let you know I do like you and your friend told me you would act this way.

Annie P: Excuse me?

Crix: [Mrs. Indécis]! She told me you would refuse so I decided that I'm not letting go that easy.

Annie P: Oh she did..did she! Well let me stop the myths before they continue. I am not "refusing" you because I don't recognize potential. Trust you have a great deal of potential; HOWEVER hommie you are dry like a fucking bag of Crix. You have zero conversation and zero personality. In other words, I am pink and you are grey. I am sunshine and you are overcast. That is why I'm not giving you any play. And as for your partner in crime [Mrs. Indécis] the two of you can plot on some other person. So please just do us a favor and lose this number.

Crix: What the hell is a Crix?! Two, I didn't mean to offend you and I def know that someones character feeds off their company. So my "dryness" is a reflection of you. Pause~ Love when men do this. Its not me its you. Its not my fault its your fault. PUNK just recognize your short comings! Play~

Annie P: Well I sure am glad we figured that out. I'm the drag...yes! You are absolutely right. Bye now. Thanks!

~ End Scene ~

So now, he's gone...which in all honesty I knew he would be. BUT now to deal with this girl, Mrs. Indécis. HOW DARE SHE?!? Better yet, who the hell does she think she is to tell a guy that. Pause~ There is one rule that I hate that most women don't follow. When hooking your friend up, you are doing JUST that one action. So do not think that you should be the intermediary! You are not dating the person. You do not know that man outside of your friendship. So do NOT make assumptions. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE WRONG! Play~ At this junction, I do not know how to deal with her. Like do I let her know that she is a dummy for even entertaining this chump? Or do I just learn, be angry and let bygones be bygones? Whatever!

Love for the day: Standing my your morals! If you know that someone you are dating/speaking to/seeing is a chump they are a chump. Case closed!
So long CRIX...and to the next woman good luck getting that dry mouth to be fun!

Back to juggling,
Annie P

The Annie P Weekend

So enough about other people let me tell you all about MY weekend. Something to keep in mind about Ms. Annie P is that no day is ever like the one before. Thankfully I have great company that keeps things mixed up on a regular day to day.

Well the weekend started off with a business meeting and a party with my fellow Angel members. NOW....the goal for that night was to go over the edge in more ways than one. And of course like any challenge all members grabbed the occasion with both hands and went for it! Needless to say, a bottle of Patron and three margaritas later Annie P was swimming in "liquid happiness." Pause~ Drinking with wonderful people will always be my favorite past time. However, I have been drinking for the past 35 days straight. So now Ms. Annie P is on a drinking hiatus. The time has come. Play~ Anyway, we are leaving this party and walking and of course there was a man who we shall call "Ghana Revisited." While in mid stumble...of course I stopped to talk to him. He tells me I'm cute blah blah blah...and then we exchange numbers at the car. Pause~ I HATE meeting people at a party for the following reasons. 1) Its dark so you can not properly assess their appearance (shallow but true). 2) You (the woman) are tipsy/drunk/nice and have your faculties but in my experience "piss poor" man decisions have been made on alcohol. And 3) my "double life" (as suitor likes to call it) can become a problem. Play~

So let me tell you about "Ghana Revisited"...A nice guy who, unlike "Crix" talks A LOT! As a matter of fact, he has A GREAT DEAL TO SAY! I mean I have the gift for gab...but that man didn't let me get in a word in. One thing I did love, is that he is completely dedicated to his son in every way (education, happiness, future, etc.). So we (well he) spoke on Saturday and it was nice. A date has been set and there will be details to come shortly.

Then....on Sunday while going to get a my mani/pedi action on I met this guy we will call "Driver." Now "Driver" is an interesting fellow. Very persistent and very opinionated. He is attractive and has a great deal of wit BUT he is Jamaican. Pause~ I'm from Grenada; therefore, I have no reason to be discriminatory towards any culture. HOWEVER, Jamaicans march by the beat of their own drums...Pointy everywhere. So you should see the hesitation. Play~ So yes, very Jamaican. However, he is an accountant with a small firm and like me his weekend is his weekend. Pause~ One thing to know about me is that I am not afraid to Goggle any man who claims to be in the business atmosphere. If you are with a firm I should be able to find you. Play~ He is one who will be in the shirt and tie all day and then move to his "Mr. Vegas" movement once Friday night hits! Which by all means I respect. In the same suit as "Ghana Revisited" a date has been set and I'm sure there will be something to speak about soon.

So now I have these new men in my dating circle and I have realized that my juggling act has quickly turned into a man circus.
Annie P (the ring leader)

Friday, March 25, 2011

He Loves Me..He Loves Me Not?


The end! Nothing more to say....

Annie P

Married on Wednesday....Human on Thursday (Part II)

Ok so now we are to the heart of this story! As in previous posts, the love will come at the end.

The Date
So the "date" or rather "meeting...." Pause~ So when going on first dates I usually like the man to take some initiative in planning. Not so much because I want to gauge his money or anything trivial like that. But, essentially I am in a man's world where I assert myself and plan plan plan everyday. So in most cases, I usually like someone to tell me where and when I show up. Lazy...maybe! Play~ So we agree on a meeting place which was at the W Hotel in Times Square. I get there in my afterwork faboosh attire and he was there in his suit. Attractive guy, dressed very smart, average height, weight, and very intelligent. Anyway, we meet have a casual/awkward embrace and then sit at the bar. So we begin talking and this man ends up being DRY LIKE A FUCKING CRIX! {Definition: For the non-caribbean, Crix is a cracker that is terribly dry dry dry but oh so good with some guava jelly}. And it was weird because he has some personality and ambition but like his conversation stinks! So much so that I got EXHAUSTED trying to make conversation that I just ended the date early and blamed it on a meeting. Pause~ I usually do not do that; however, being that I saw that he liked me I couldnt blatantly hurt his feelings. Play~

In the end, he did say he wanted to do it again and that he would call. And call he did readers! Like EVERYDAY call! And even though he is a potential dating candidate, I just dont understand how someone with no conversation skills likes to call! UGH!

The Conversation with Mrs. Indécis
So like any good friend who hooks up their good friend Mrs. Indécis calls me the next day at EIGHT AM to discuss my date. Pause~ I work A LOT! Therefore, 8AM calls are not appreciated unless we have a scheduled conversation and/or event. Play~ So of course I tell her about "Crix" and how the date was bleh. And then she says (ironically) "[Annie P] marriage and love do not always come wrapped in exciting packages." Now...once she said it I was completely taken aback based on her exciting courtship/engagement. And immediately the question, "WTF DO YOU MEAN?!?!" left my mouth.

Because I know you all love to read actual conversations...this is how it went.

Mrs. Indécis: I mean in the end nothing is perfect and you should accept what is offered to you.

Annie P: Um no ma'am! Every dog has their day and if that was [Crix's] good day then shit Im def not interested. But where the hell is this coming from?

Mrs. Indécis: Well take my marriage for instance. Me and [husband] are going well but there are problems and goals that we never discussed before getting married.

Annie P: (insert sarcasm) Really? After three months you guys didnt speak about everything? (snickers)

Mrs. Indécis: Dont be an asshole! Its more like, [husband] has no interest in talking about kids, buying a home, moving up in his career. Like [Annie P] I need advice.

Annie P: Um to be honest, I dont know what to tell you. Those things you mentioned are major milestones for any person. So being that he wont even approach the topic is something I can not help you with. I think you need to activate the married women phone tree. Pause~ A while ago eight of my married friends started a "married/committed women phone tree." This was something you could rely on if you ever needed a "come to Jesus meeting" on life. Corny but very helpful. Play~

Mrs. Indécis: Ugh cant get on the phone with those bitches. They always want to tell you to grit your teeth and bear it. Pause~ I will agree with her on this one. Many of the women in that group are highly educated but do not work because their husbands make A LOT of money. So they usually have the same advice. Hence why its kind of disbanded. But you know on the one off you may find someone that can have some good advice. Play~

Annie P: Well I mean what will you do?

Mrs. Indécis: I dont know. This is getting annoying. But then again I feel like this is the price you pay to be married in 2011. Maybe this is as good as it gets.

Annie P: Girl I dont think so! Im this day and age, as women, we do NOT have accept that. If being married means being unhappy then girl let that shit go! Im not tell you to break up with your husband but I know me and that would not go down.

Mrs. Indécis: Divorce? And prove everyone right? No I will deal! And [husband] isnt that bad. He just chooses to not answer some questions that I have regarding the future. When I bring up kids he says "we have time" but I dont think like that.

Annie P: Well in the case of kids I agree; but then again you have a husband and I do not. Women are having kids into their 40s. However, if this is something you want I think another conversation is in order BUT proceed with caution. You already know where he stands.

Mrs. Indécis: Ugh....I was happier when I was single and miserable. Pause~ STATEMENT OF THE YEAR! Play~


Mrs. Indécis: Oh girl I gotta go...[husband] just walked in. Bye [click]

Is anyone as confused as I am....STILL?!?! Cause I know at the end of the conversation I was left with an empty feeling. Not so much for me but for her. And then, so many questions came to me:

- Is that what we think marriage is now a days?
- Do women actually think that things will automatically fall into place?
- How many women think this?
- Are my decisions of "no to marriage" justified off this one woman's experience?

I mean I was completely floored!

Fast forward to Tuesday (3/22) Pause~ Funny how things are happening in week intevals. Play~ I was having a gchat conversation with Fatal Angel. And she tells me the following statistic:

         "1 in 6 married women stated they were happier when they were single." ~ Tyra Banks Show

Whoa! So I guess her feelings are justified! But then that statistic (even though from an unreliable source...sorry Tyra) shows that society is forcing women to be married. For some reason, most women think that wearing that white dress and getting your groom to look at you lovingly means the next day he will come around and NOT be the same man you met and dated pre-proposal. Pause~ Annie P is a hopeless romantic. But in cases like this the cynical side of me comes out. I have a point. Play~

In conclusion, the title of this series "Married on Wednesday...Human on Thursday" was to manifest the idea that humans are just that...humans! So on to the love: I am who I am. No more no less. If being married means changing my goals/ambitions then I do not want to be married. I am much better than that!

Takeaway: Lets (men and women) work to find true happiness! Don't settle because you think "its time" or "you want kids" or "im getting older." Some of the best things in life are def worth waiting for!

Loving love but taking it slow!
Annie P

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Married on Wednesday....Human on Thursday (Part I)

I want to start off today's blog post with a disclaimer.
- By no means does this post reflect any ill feelings towards the married, engaged or those in a 
committed relationship. This is simply a flow of thoughts that come straight off the top from Annie P. All parties in this post have been contacted and granted permission to be written about. that that is done. Today's love is geared towards my friends that are concerned not only with my well being but my happiness. So love for the day: Grateful for those that push me to the "happy every after."

So readers, I have a friend that I have known for over five years now that we shall call "Mrs. Indécis." Let me explain who this woman is to you all. Mrs. Indécis is a in her mid-twenties, beautiful, intelligent and a real go-getter in the world of education. She and I went to high school together, and even though we went to different undergraduate institutions we managed to stay very close friends.  Upon graduation, we both made the decision to come back to NYC to live and be fabulous. Now, upon moving back in 20XX, we were in very different places; meaning, I was with "man" and she was single and ready to mingle. Pause~ I have come to realize that upon graduating from undergrad a great deal of my friends were single. Now that I am single a great deal of them are in relationships....FUNNY right? Play~

So fast forward to the end of 2010. "Man" and I are quickly crumbling and no one but a select few know about it and then boom Mrs. Indécis calls me with "good news." And here is how that conversation went.

Annie P: Hey girl!

Mrs. Indécis: Oh.My.God [Annie P] you will never guess...(insert excitement) I'M ENGAGED 

Annie P: WHAT?!!? Who the hell were you dating to be engaged?

Mrs. Indécis: Well we haven't caught up in a while. And I know you and ["man"] are going through it so I didn't want to bother. Pause~ Love my friends for this. They know when to pause and let Annie P handle some stuff. Play ~

Annie P: Um yeah I guess but like engaged..I need a rewind

Mrs. Indécis: Well so you know I went to that party that you didn't want to go to at Gravity.

Pause~ I am not one for judgement but I already felt like lunacy was quickly on the way. Play ~

Mrs. Indécis: Bitch don't hate. So anyway go in there with my cousin and this guy offers to buy me a drink. Now you know me, I don't do men buying me drinks ESPECIALLY in Gravity. However, when I was leaving he left to come out and introduce himself. So we talked briefly and I gave him my number and he called and I got his.

Annie P: Ooookkkkk

Mrs. Indécis: So the next day we started talking and it was electric [Annie P]! Like you would never believe how many things we have in common...I was just smitten.

Annie P: That's well and good but fast forward to engagement three months later.

Mrs. Indécis: Well we were going out, talking all the time and then the boom happened.

Annie P: (hastily) He has kids, Herpes, a wife, a girlfriend?

Mrs. Indécis: No fool! He left his apartment. Pause~ To this day I still have no idea why he "left" his apartment. Play ~ So at that point, well I thought and thought and thought and then I figured well God is sending me a sign so he moved in with me.

Annie P: [SILENCE]

Mrs. Indécis: [Annie P] you there?

Annie P: Oh I'm here...continue

Mrs. Indécis: Well he moves in one week later and things are EVEN BETTER! He is cooking and cleaning and we are leaving for work together in the morning. And the sex....and the SEX!
Pause~ Usually I would go IN on some sexual details; however, at this point I was so confused at this speed of her courtship I didn't even ask. So we fast forwarded. Play~

Annie P: So yeah...engagement..

Mrs. Indécis: So on Tuesday he texts me at work to say "meet me by the Brooklyn Bridge" and when I got there he proposed and I said YES! And now we are getting married on the 1st of March and I need your help planning. Pause~ TRINIDAD....CARNIVAL....2011....Need I say more? Play~

Annie P: We can discuss this planning thing later...HOWEVER, I'm not hating love you to pieces...but does he need his papers? Like why the rush?

Mrs. Indécis: I mean we just "know"

Annie P: Know what?

Mrs. Indécis: That we are supposed to be together!

Annie P: (insert uncertainty) Ok I support you.

Needless to say, at the end of the conversation I was unsure; however, at my current age I do NOT give advice. So of course, I just gave my two cents when asked and we moved on with planning her wedding keeping in mind I wasn't going to be there (lol).

So now fast forward to the present/past as in Tuesday (3/15).

Mrs. Indécis calls me to say that her husband's friend has seen a picture of me and decided that we (me and him) must meet. Pause~ Now here is where being single and having married friends gets tricky. They always want to hook you up! I mean I don't mind I think its nice...but how do they know that I really need that man right now? Play~ So I ask all of the necessary questions [age/kids/attitude/career] and accept the meeting. Well guys, I met him....And lets just say NOT MY TYPE! However, what did come from that date was a very very very FRANK convo with Mrs. Indécis. Upon speaking with her, we got into a very interesting conversation about marriage and kids and the whole "happy ending" thing. [NOTE: The deets on that date and conversation with Mrs. Indécis will be in Part II of this post].

In conclusion, my love for today stems to one solid thought. You are only as awesome as the company you keep. And to be honest, I keep some damn good company!

Until Part II,
Annie P and the PEEPS!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

There is always a reason & a season for all things....

I know I'm late today guys BUT today has been kind of hectic at work. However, I couldn't let the day pass without giving you all the love for today. Love: There is a reason and a season for all things!

So on the radio show that I co-host with my friend, Fatal Angel, we usually have topics that guide the "vibe" of the show. However, due to the brief hiatus we took for Trinidad Carnival 2011, we decided to provide our listeners with both a solid and thorough recap of our experience in Trinidad. Sounds harmless right? WRONG! Infuse a bottle of Patron Silver Tequila and Welch's Passion Fruit juice and now we are talking about a full on swankiness endeavour.  Pause~ Tom foolery was at an all time high last night. We drank, we talked shit, we played like 3 songs in three hours and then...wait are you reading AND THEN had the nerve to take shots at the end of the show! I keep telling y'all to tune in [] Play ~ So in the midst of our tom foolery, I start to notice.."hmm Annie P you are on the edge!" Now readers, by no means is this lady a light weight when it comes to drinking. HOWEVER, on this Tuesday...I just got all the way live.

So anyway, post getting tipsy I go home and "man" is there. So I begin to cook and then we start talking. Pause~ Worst time ever to engage Annie P in serious conversation is when she is tipsy. I'm honest all the time but lack the "sensor" clause when I'm tipsy. Its like "fuck it...they need to hear this shit" mode turns on. Play~ So man starts asking me all these questions and of course I'm answering (lol) blatantly. So post this, my "famous" chili is ready and of course "man" doesn't want to eat because something I have said pissed him off. Well needless to say, in the end I ate, and took my drunk ass to bed.

But then this morning it dawned on me...Why was I so invested in his emotions anyway? And it was at that moment that I realized the reason and the season for "man" has come and gone. I don't know how to end this post but I mean I think I said it all.

On to the next season!
Annie P.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Technology Friend or Foe

So after such a serious post earlier, I wanted to grace you all with a question that will reveal a love later. So for instance, my "suitor" has text messaged me for the day to make chit chat. What's interesting about this dating and "alter ego" thing is that my suitor has decided to ask EVERY SINGLE TIME if I will write about him. Now even though this should be annoying, surprisingly it is not because I find it intriguing that he wants other people to know about him BUT states he can not date a woman with "two lives." But I digress..

Anyway, this post is focused on an interesting conversation I had with one of my best best best male friends this afternoon who we shall call "Rich." During my walk to Au Bon Pain for lunch, "Rich" sent me a text that said "Check my Facebook post now." So of course I went and it was a posting professing his love for his girlfriend. Pause~ I have been fortunate to have a group of friends for over ten years. In this group, we have grown up together. And by "we," I mean myself and six now men. However, what makes our friendships so genuine is that there is no sexual tension and no one is interested in anyone else. So very refreshing! Play~ So post reading this post, there were a series of events that occurred. 1) I commented (of course!) 2) sent him a text back stating I needed deets asap and 3) shot a text to "man" to make sure that he knew our friend was in peril.

Well upon hearing the story, the post was meant to respond to some bottom feeders who have been harassing him and his girlfriend. And when speaking to "Rich," it made me reflect on my current situation with "man." Pause~ Before I tell the remainder of this story, I want everyone to know that Annie P DOES NOT GIVE ADVICE! The reason being, 1) I am not in the relationship with both parties, 2) if my advice goes wrong who is to and 3) I am solutions based! So tell me you want to get to point A or B and I can help brainstorm to get there Play~ And I had to say to "Rich," listen a lesson I have taken from my long long courtship with "man" is that no one will ever want to see two successful people be happy. In general, when individuals (man or woman) see two people who are grinding, saving and making moves there is usually a part of them that burns because its not them. Usually, 97% of the silent haters will ignore and move on. BUT there is the dastardly 3% that will make it their lot in life to make your life difficult!

So now we come to meat of the matter, with the digital age we live in stalking has been taken to a new high! Now we have people who can stalk via free text apps, fake Gmail email accounts, fake Facebook and Twitter profiles, Google phones and whatever else. And the question I have is, has technology become a friend or foe? I know in my personal situation with "man" technology is def a foe! Pause AGAIN~ For those who know Annie know I do NOT respond to bullies; however, at this point I am taking a page from my good friend, Fatal Angel, and "bowing out gracefully." I have no place in this fight...too much to lose. Play~ I hate technology so much that even hearing my phone vibrate makes me cringe! Not because I am afraid of what is coming through BUT because I know what is coming and who it is coming from is meant to ruin/taint/hurt me.  Therefore, in speaking with "Rich" it became apparent that in this stage of life...those who attain true happiness have to keep it between the few the trust and to themselves.

So on to the love: Happiness is deserved but should not be shared to many! Your happiness is for who?..YOU that's right! Those who love you will see it, make light and move on with you.

Until next time,

Go to the mattresses!

Well blog my love is short and sweet...Love: "Go to the mattresses!"

Because I know that some of you are unfamiliar, this quote comes from the movie "The Godfather." At the point in which this quote was stated, Sonny & Clemenza are discussing whether it was time to fly into all out war.
History: It was an Italian custom to temporarily move to an undisclosed apartment and borrow mattresses for soldiers (or mobsters) to sleep on while protecting the vacated apartment from possible attack. "Go to the mattresses" was a reference for preparing for the move.

Pause ~ Many do not know but I love love love movies! However, "The Godfather" is not my modern day "hood Bible" Play~

So I know you are wondering why I have taken this dramatic turn in just 24 hours. Well readers, in the past week or so there have been a great deal of new things in my life. New job, new suitor, new plans for the future, new business deals, etc and recently I had been presented with a woman we will call "She-hater." Let me describe "She-hater" to you. She is slightly older than me, educated but a woman who seeks vindication through the approval of others. (As you can tell we are not bffs). Pause~ I know you must be thinking "Annie P is a hypocrite! Based on the fact that not too long ago, I dedicated a whole post about my love for the female race. However, when presented with someone who always is trying to steal your must respond. Play~ So "She-hater" has recently heard about my new successes via the friendship grapevine and called me last night to speak to me and this is how it went.

She-hater: Hi heard about your new job...
Annie P: Hello to you too! How are you? I'm fine. Thanks for calling.
She-hater: [insert sarcasm] Well I guess if you are going to switch jobs that would be the place to go but
                like are you sure you're even built for that?
Annie P: Well I guess everyone cant count sugar packets all day like you dear.
She-hater: I have job security
Annie P: In the supermarket maybe
She-hater: Really [Annie P]?
Annie P: YUP!
She-hater: There you go cant even let this be a pleasant conversation
Annie P: Guess not...woe is me I am a bitter black woman that cant take a compliment. Why did you really
She-hater: To tell you that you should keep looking for a job.
Annie P: Thanks..bye hun!
She-hater: Before you go...
Annie P: Mmhmmm
She-hater: Are you partying this weekend?
Pause~ Funny thing about this alter ego Annie P is that those who HATE MY GUTS still want to know what I'm doing so they can tag along. Play~
Annie P: Not with you..buh-bye!

Now in the end of that conversation it was obvious that I technically "won." But in retrospect, I have come to the conclusion that I need to be a little more protective of myself. The fact is, being a sociable/fun/charasmatic person comes with a lot of hate. (For those of you who know this I know that you are shaking your head in agreement.) Furthermore, what really burns my biscuits is its not just the hate...with that comes rumors as well. Now for those of you who know women, you know that at the end of that conversation started a telephone tree to speak about how "terrible of a friend Annie P is." So as of today, I've decided to "Go to the mattresses!" Hate can no longer surround me! This is insane! Like how much more can a faboosh girl like me take?!!?...NOT A LOT THAT'S HOW MUCH!

So lesson of the day: Severing ties with silly small-minded people will make for better days! Bad seeds 
                                    lead to bad apples which leads to fruit flies!

Successfully yours,
The Faboosh Annie P.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Birth of Annie P

As referenced in the previous post, I wanted to give you all a little insight on the name Annie P. I just realized that I never gave my readers any insight on where/what/when/how the name came about. So...the long and the short is, the name was created by a good friend of mine who we shall call Fatal Angel. Recently, [wait almost a year...(big smile)] she invited me to become a co-host on her Tuesday radio show [ all should tune in 6PM-9PM EST]. And on there, randomly, one day she said "This is Tasty Tuesdays with Fatal Angel and Annie P" and just like that the alter ego was created.

What's interesting about an alter ego is that 1) people begin to forget your real name 2) people do not realize you actually HAVE a real name and 3) the persona people think is created is NOT an actual persona (lol). So when speaking to my suitor over the weekend he stated that he had listened in on a random Tuesday and said he "could not believe" it was me. And then to boot, he continued to say that my social calendar was "something to marvel at." Hmm really? I guess with having a "persona" comes new responsibility; but many people are walking around calling me Annie P? Not many I can assure you.  And why would that affect my dating life?

So in trying to end that awkward conversation, he told me he doesnt know if he can "date" a woman with two lives. And unfrotunately, that is not the first time I have heard that since I have become the newly single. So the answer I deliver Pause ~ Any answer to such a statement deverses the word "deliver" because they need to be served with why such an ignorant statement should never be said. Play ~ with "I dont have two lives I have two jobs! No different from a woman who is a Marketnig Executive and a mom. No difference at all... I have my career and my hobby. They are BOTH my responsibilities."

So this post is for all of the women out there are who making strides not only in the workplace but in the social space! Be who you are...alter egos are good for your soul. In my life it keeps things FRESH and ever-changing.

Larger than life,
Annie P (slash slash slash)

When to say when....

Over the weekend I was on the phone with my "suitor" [from post about annoying questions] and we began talking about when to say when in a relationship. Now this is an interesting topic to me because I am usually a straight shooter; but in the world of dating, I am very timid to have conversations like this because what if the answer you give is not appropriate? Or disliked? Or generally not understood?

Well in the midst of the conversation, he actually came to the conclusion that for a man (namely himself) you know its done when there is no more sexual chemistry there. NOW...I did hear this and ask for him to elaborate because I 1) wanted to make sure he wasnt being superficial and 2) he actually knew what he was saying. Well after about one full minute of explanation he was actually very serious. Then of course the question was directed my way. Pause~ My suitor is very aware of this blog. He is also very intrigued that I have a "stage name" that I go by [thats a story for another posting]. He actually joked that he would begin to sensor himself because he knew that random conversations would make it in. However, he was fascinated that I was so open about my new dating life with a "room full of strangers." So I had to educate him on the readership and how active you all are. Play ~ "Annie P when do you say when?" Hmm so readers, I thought and I thought and I thought and the exact answer I gave was "When I cant stand the sight of that stankin Negro."

Now the usual reaction to an Annie P tort such as the last one would bring instant laughter HOWEVER this man def did not feel that answer. Pause ~ do you realize why I do NOT answer questions like this?! Play~  So needless to say that conversation ended on a sour note because 1) I beg NO MAN/WOMAN/CHILD/BEAST/FRIEND/FOE/ANT/PEBBLE to understand me and 2) I just cant give a damn how he felt about my opinions.

However, I do pose this question to you all...When do YOU know when to say when in a relationship? Im intrigued to hear all three opinions (lol).

A Pondering Annie P

Blame It On The Rain

My apologies readers for the non-posting this weekend. I was definitely in a state of rest and relaxation being that I had zero down time between returning from my vacation and working. One thing that I can say is that when you take a weekend to yourself, there are things you learn to appreciate that you did not before. Therefore the love for today is something borrowed from a good good friend of mine: Treasured Moments!

So for those who do not know, I am part of a wonderful team of women entreprenuers that takes names and kicks butt on a regular day-to-day but thats a post for another day. Anyway, one of those ladies has her own business called Olivia's Treasures [ --- extremely worthwhile please check it out]. Anyway, if you know Annie P you usually know that I can easily become a needle in a haystack when it comes to the weekend. Between the errands, trying to hang out, taking "man" to work, getting to my mom's house, etc. I can become the hardest person to land down. So this weekend, I took it upon myself to really just chill and take a step back.

Now even though I was hanging loose...I did manage to get some things done.

Treasured Moment #1
But the best thing about this weekend was the fact that I got to COOK! Im not a big cooker...well scratch that...I am a cooker but only leisurely when its something I know I need to get done. However, this weekend the cooking bug bit me and I definitely took advantage. So Saturday morning, got up made a FABOOSH brunch and then for dinner re-created a wonderful fish fry all in my small Brooklyn kitchen.

Treasured Moment #2
Hanging out with mom! Now Mrs. Payne is a character full of foolie wag and nonsense; however, she is the black hole of time! My mother is one of those moms, who will call and say "Im going to the corner just follow me" and that will turn into a six hour ordeal of going everywhere to buy everything and pack it all away. Now usually I get frustrated because like every working professional, your weekend is time to catch up on all thsoe things you can not do during the week. But this time with mom was cool. We hung out, laughed, joked and then I got $20 out of it. So hmm...not a bad trade off in the end.

Treasured Moment #3
Hanging out at home with my good old cable box. Now granted, TV lacks good programming now a days; however, there is something to be said when you are laying in bed and just channel surfing. Nothing at all matters...just you, your bed, the remote and the TV. Now that was the most sublime 4 hours of my life.

So heres the picture of the day...

Watching TV in Bed Royalty Free Stock Photo

Not me persay...but that was my total motivation for the weekend.

The Relaxed Annie P

Friday, March 18, 2011

No Love This AM

This morning has been trying. Firstly, last night I had to have a moment to speak to my ex who we will name "man" to discuss the recent problems he has put me through. In the months that have passed, man and myself have been through severe ups and downs. BUT last night I hit my own personal breaking point. And without revisiting that side, I will just say that as a woman I made a decision and now the situation is being handled. But I digress...

So this morning I wake up dog tired for work Pause ~ I recently went on a great trip to Trinidad carnival. It was an amazing experience! The parties, the carnival, the people, the Johnny Walker...ahhh I just couldn't ask for more. However, the downside is you come back more tired than when you left. Play~ So I get in the bathroom and BOOM no hot water! Like management company is the worst! I don't know what else to do. I call, complain to 311, and now I'm at the point to writing a letter to the company, the Brooklyn Borough President's office and the Department of Housing. These ignorant thieves must be stopped. So my love for today...NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF THE PEN!

There are very few archaic tenants that still exist in this life. For instance, letter writing, writing checks, talking on the telephone, etc etc. But one thing I have learned is that when there is a stern letter with multiple people CC'ed it is hard for anyone to ignore. And this lady here, Ms. Annie P, has no problem writing to anyone to let them know how she feels.

The issue is, I do not like being that complaining consumer; however, I do NOT like being taken advantage of. I work very very hard for the money I make and therefore, when I feel like someone is robbing me or taking me on a joyride I'm going to say something about it. Hence, today's letter to Urban American Management. By far the WORST management company in the five boroughs. To give you a sense of my pen lashing here is an excerpt:

     "At this point, these living conditions are simply not acceptable. To date, my payment history with
      this management company has been pristine. My rent is paid in full and well within the period, it
      should be. I do like my apartment; however, at this time I cannot continue to have basic amenities
      that were agreed upon in the leasing agreement ignored. As a result, I am writing this letter to
      inform this management company that I will be prorating my rent for the month of April due to
      the lack of hot water and heating in my apartment for three days."

In the end I may not hear from someone at UAM, however, I know that having these complaints on file at the Borough Presidents office as well as Department of Housing [because you know I will be sending this letter every week until someone answers me] Pause~ I used to work for a city agency; therefore, I know how to get their attention Play~ it will not look good for their record!

So lesson of the day: Write with conviction and confidence! There are people on the other side who will sympathize. They know what they are doing is wrong and sometimes they do not even know it is going wrong.

Well until next time,
Annie P (Consumer At Large)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Women....I Tip My Hat To You ALL

On my second post for the day, I have to take time to let you all in on my newest fascination...understanding the females and the society that surrounds them. So recently, due to the restrictions on my work computer have taken to reading a lot of opinion articles from major magazines, newspapers, etc. And the one conclusion I have come to is that Annie P is has so much love for every woman!

In the past couple posts I have brought you up to speed on my "declarations" and "affirmations" for this next phase in life. And precisely in my posts, I have even shed light on my lineage and my lovely friends. However, I'm going to take this post to focus on those who do not nearly get enough credit...WOMEN! There are many women in history, the present, my family that I simply admire; however, as a whole I've come to realize we (women) do not take the time to really be proud and all around amazed at the triumphs that we tackle everyday. For instance, in my current line of employment the ratio of men to women is 15 men to every one woman. That is a powerful statistic! It shows that 1) there are not many women who make it in this environment and 2) those that are here are here because they are DAMN GOOD at what they do. That is amazing to me! And now to be considered one of them lets me FURTHER know that I have arrived!

Moving past that, I want to shine some light to my single mom population. These women.....these women...these women....Hmm..where do I begin? I myself was not raised by a single mom (and I am forever grateful that my dad stuck around); however, I do have phenomenal women around me daily that are single moms. And when I say I am proud...I am PROUD to know them! Its something about watching your family member or friend finish work, come home, help with homework, cook dinner, play games and prep for the next day that makes you go..WOW how the hell does she do it? So I want you all to indulge me for a minute..

My Cousin
Single mom to a teenage boy whose father leaves nothing to be desired AT ALL. She is a successful educator, creator and all around very passionate woman. I have single handily seen this woman take out thousands upon thousands of dollars to make sure her son got the BEST education and attention needed in the school environment. Result: My little cousin is going to one of the best private high schools in the NYC area and is going for FREE!

My Good Good Friend
Single mom, business owner and all around cool person. Has a son with a dad; personally, don't know too much about the dad but what does that say about him. She gets up everyday cooks breakfast, packs lunch, runs her business, cooks AGAIN, chats with me during the day and then....wait...AND THEN does homework with her son,  and sends him to bed. This happens all before 9PM. Result: Student of Month and all around cool kid.

My Coworker
Single mom and lead recruiter at large fortune 500 company. Has a son and a daughter 11 months apart in age. The dad decided he didn't like her and in turn left her and the kids (PUNK). She gets up everyday at 4AM works out, cooks breakfast, prepares lunches, walks them to the bus stop, goes home gets dressed, works full 10 hour days, comes home to check homework, reads bedtime stories, reads the Bible and goes to bed. Result: Successful kids, amazing career and banging body!

My Wife aka Best Friend
Single mom with a a CRAZY baby daddy [Pause~ I hate that term baby daddy but that negro is a straight chump; hence the phrase]. Every morning she gets up, prepares breakfast and lunch, gets her two year old ready, dresses for work, drives 25 minutes to daycare, drives 35 minutes back to work, deals with customers, drives to daycare, drives home, deals with her "family," puts the baby to bed and THEN begins to organize life. Result: Awesome 2 year old son, up and coming career and cool as the other side of the pillow.

When I think about these women, I shudder to think that I actually do shit in the day. Like comparison I don't do a damn thing! Sad to say but most women do more in their day that I do in two or three. Now don't get me wrong, Annie P works and works hard for the money; but, in the grand scheme of things I can only push myself to do more when I see other people do 10 times more than me.

Revelation for the day: Women lets support one another on this journey. For those who are able give a  
                                        piece of advice to another woman that can help her even in the smallest way. 

I am making this solemn promise to also let those women around me know how amazingly special they are to me! Because even though we may not speak everyday it can be something great to just let someone know I love you! You mean a lot to my life."

Well that's all I have to say about that!
Annie P - Up & Coming Woman

P.S. I know this is a photo blog; but I had this post written and couldnt cheat you guys anymore. The photos are coming soon....just cant seem to capture that essence I needed for this post. Soon come...

Update On Last Post

For those that are interested, I spoke to my suitor last night and answered the question as I should and this is how it went. For the purposes of his annonymity we will call him "suitor."

Suitor: Hi beautiful

Annie P: (giggles) Hi honey

Suitor: How was the end of work?

Annie P: Fine but thats not what I called to talk about.

Suitor: Ok then whats on your mind? Should I be worried?

Pause ~ I dont know why men think that because you have a topic on your mind that they should be "worried." Dude we are NOT together Im calling to set the record straight. ok PLAY~

Annie P: Well I wanted to revisit that question you asked me earlier about why I didnt have someone. And I wanted to let you know that I dont have anyone because my last relationship ended and I have just been exploring the options. Not really looking to be tied down but not ignoring the possibilities of/for love

Suitor: Well I never thought you were weird or not normal. I just wondered why any man who had you faithful would let you go. I have to admit though your answer did make me wonder. But then you told did tell me about how the relationship ended and I got it.

Annie P: Your understanding overwhelmes me! (laughs) Why dont you have a girlfriend?

Suitor: She dumped me for my friend.

Annie P: Well (silence) thats all there is to say about that.

And of course we went on to talk for about 30 more minutes about a date and work and goals and all that junk. But I guess in the end I was shocked and kind of amazed at where the conversation went. He is a "nice" guy and seems to dig me. So we will see where this goes.

So on to the next love....Exploration!

I dont have much to say but to let you all know that I am exploring my next steps. Excited about the possibilites and interested to find out where things will go.

Blissful & Content,
The Dating Annie P

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Conversation Piece

Although I've posted for the day I had to enlighten those who do check this blog with the conversation I had today.

So for those who do not know, I am no longer in a relationship. Although sad and disappointed in the end of my almost 10 year courtship, there are many things that I have come to realize about me and my "status." But I digress...

Today I was on the phone with one of my suitors and he asked the question that I dread the most when starting to date someone:

                 "Why dont you have a boyfriend/fiance/husband? You're a great girl!"

When he asked this...I was taken aback. Not particularly because of what he said but because I had no answer. What does one say to that question? Uh cause the man didnt want me anymore so now I'm on the market again. Like I mean as a woman, I usually try to be understanding and open to anything said; but at that moment the only answer I could come to was "I dont know." After giving that answer, he politely said "well life's a game...I'm happy you decided to play again." But what does that even mean? Life's a game?! So where the hell have I been? At the side lines?

However in moving past that 45 minute conversation I think the answer is as follows.

I am not in a relationship because I am not supposed to be at this time. Had I settled for some of my past relations, I just might be miserable and married.  Standing over a stove, crying, cooking dinner for my kids and wishing my husband paid as much attention to me as he does everything else. Or looking into the eyes of a man who doesn't make me happy wishing I had the courage to tell him. I know a few happily married people. I know a few people who are in relationships that they do not want to be in, but they are so caught up in what society says; they stay, grin and deal with it. I know people who are unhappily married, but front to the world everyday. However, I am not that person. In worrying about satifying some stereotype of society to be married and with kids, I lost sight of the fact that happiness starts with me.

In the end, as I'm sure I will be speaking with my suitor later...I will have to revisit that question. I dont know how I'm going to do it yet but there is something to be said when this lady doesnt have anything to say.

Well although this should have been a post for another day...I had to share to get some commentary on what you all thought.

Game player Annie P

On A Magic Carpet Ride

So as of late within my new surroundings (job, love life, etc) I have taken to making strides to do things a little bit differently. First things first, I have made some assurances to myself that I will put me first. In fact, the attention that I have been granting myself has been EXPONENTIALLY better than it had been before. In recognizing the change, I have realized that people are less likely to approach me with foolishness now that they know where I stand with me. So on to love knows: DON'T BRING THAT SHIT THIS WAY!

In my past I have been the friend that other friends dump on. And not in a bad way, but the way in which they need someone to speak to and they come and tell me all of the happenings and I listen and then I offer some advice and then they say "yeah you're right" and then we agree that I will support whatever decision is made. And for those of you who know this process through and through you know how the cycle just begins all over again. However, in taking the time to just get myself in order and climb out of the dismal hole I was in...I have come to recognize that the TRUE friends have learned not to come to me with the nonsense. We talk they ask how I am and then we move on to other conversation. Now don't get me wrong, the talks can lead to advice and general discussion about the day and its problems BUT they have recognized that at this time I am a friend who needs a friend.

As simple as this may seem, unfortunately I have never had this experience before. Not to say that my life has been without its problems but I have never had a friend that would call and say "I was just checking on you." So to my true friends out there I dedicate the following...

The love hug...and original painting by a wonderful seven year old painter! She is awesome and painted this for her mom and ended up being famous. But when she was interviewed and asked "why did you paint this?" she answered "cause my mom is the only person who understands me!" Hmm pretty impressive for a 7 year old but then again I completely agree. My true blues have been the only ones to understand me!

On to the next day love bugs!
Annie P

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Im Back!

So blogging world...I know I have been gone for some time but there has been a great deal going on in the past couple months. First and foremost, my birthday has passed and I had a BLAST! I started and ended my birthday EXACTLY the way I wanted to...surrounded by close friends and family! Then I also made up with some people that I had some slight problems with. We are now better than ever and making clear strides to make things better. So with that I'm coming to my next love...Reconnection and relaxation are always the key to a better me!

There have been times recently where I have been forced to step out of my character in order to make others aware that: 1) The smile and nice demeanor should not be taken advantage of and 2) I am not who you think I am! And although that seems vague sometimes these moments are so necessary because people will have to understand that you are not to be messed with. However, in moving forward and letting a lot of anger go I have been blessed substantially! Everything from personal to professional has turned around completely. So as a result, I present the following picture....

Not something I have taken or that anyone "notable" has taken. Just a picture from Google images that shows exactly how I feel inside and out!

So my lovelies...I wrote this post to let you guys know that no one can smash your happiness. It is not a state of mind it is a WAY OF BEING!

As of today...I can not guarantee that no one will ever make me unhappy but I can make a declaration to not let anyone gain such power over me again.

Until next time...
Annie P & her sunshine